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Managing Email Attachments

When you attach a file of any kind to an email the system will store the attachment indefinitely, it does however store it in a status of Inactive once the email is sent. In this state it can not be seen in the list of Active attachments and it can not be reattached to a future in email in this state. In order to make it able to be used again you must make it Active.

You can make files Inactive by clicking Communications/Manage Attachments. This page will show you all the Active attachments in your database. In order to make a file Inactive you must select it then click Make Attachment Inactive button in the bottom right of the page. 

You can make Inactive files Active by clicking Communications/Manage Attachments then changing the Status field at the top of the page to Inactive. Select the file, check the box beside it then click Make Attachment Active button in the bottom right of the page. 

Once you have made an Inactive attachment Active it will stay Active until you make it Inactive again.

Please note: All attachments are currently showing as Active so you must firstly go in and select which ones to make Inactive. From now on all attachments will be automatically made Inactive after use.