Feb 3 to Feb 22, 2025 - Member Wizard Update
Apologies for falling behind with these. Its been hectic.
1. We've added a Print or Download button to the Class Resources in the Portal so members can now download or print their class material.
2. We've included the name of the person who intiates the removal or enrolment of a member into a class in the email that goes out to the student member. The ability for a Tutor to add or remove students through the Tutor Portal is set in the Edit Tutor menu screen for each Tutor.
3. Organisations can now choose to call their activities Classes or Courses. This can be selected in Settings/Organisation Details on the Class tab. All U3A Onliine offerings are Courses.
4. For organisations who have a Member Wizard web site, they can now access it from the Website menu link in their Member Wizard.
5. For membership types with a 0 cost, no invoice line is added to a class invoice (in cases where classes have an associated cost). In addition, all 0 cost memberships have n/a appearing the Member List in the Invoiced to and paid to columns. This avoids having to keep them updated even though they don't pay a membership fee eg Honorary, Life or Newsletter Subscription only members.
6. The Undeliverable Emails lists can now be downloaded and each entry includes the phone number of the member beside it to make it easy to contact them.
7. We fixed the problem of uploading an image to emails or into any of the Froala text boxes in Member Wizard.
8. Memberships refunded through Stripe now changes the member's paid to date to the date on the last fully paid invoice in the Member's record.
9. For classes with no fees attached, members are now removed the class list when they are made Inactive. Previously that only happened when the class had a fee attached to it.
10. We've added an Organisation field to the standard fields in Member Wizard.
11. The name of a class now appears in the Subject line of any email sent by a student to their Tutor via the Portal.
12. We've added the Paid to date to the All Classes Student List.
13. Organisers of Events can now manage their Event via their Member Portal and we've removed the ability for people to register for an event
14. Made it possible for those with Full Money Access to be able to purchase SMS credits and register a credit/debit card for top ups.
15. Added a Cancel button to the Merge Members screen
16. Removed the close button on the attachments page.
17. Removed the Max in Class limitation for Online classes
18. You can now download Expense attachments.
19. Restored the Export Class list to Excel option.
20. Added a Standard field of Medical Conditions which, if placed in the Member Record page (Settings/Member Form Layout) and if it contains data, will now show up printed on the reverse side of the Name tag.