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End of Year/Period Processes

Below is a set of processes suggested for closing down both your current year membership period and your last period of class activities.

End of Membership Year Processes

When your committee determines it is time to send out membership renewals below are the suggested steps for doing so.

1. For organisations who may have members with a membership type for less than a full year (perhaps they joined part way through the year so had a discounted membership rate, to avoid them receiving a reminder for less than a full year, these members need to have their membership types changed to a Full Year membership type.

  1. Members/Change Membership type
  2. Select the membership type you wish to change and what you want to change it in to.
  3. Click Save

2. Be aware that if the member currently owes any money for the current year then that money will show up on their Membership Reminder Invoice. If you do not wish for this to happen then you need to delete the invoice which represents the debt or clear the debt by receipting the payment for it. You may wish to send the member a Pay Owing request email prior to sending out their Reminder so you can receipt their payment before doing so.

To Delete an Invoice

  1. Highlight the member name in the member list and select Statement from the menu
  2. Take a note of the Invoice Number representing the unpaid invoice.
  3. Go to Money/Invoices and use Search to locate the Invoice Number. Once found highlight it and click Delete.
  4. Be aware this will remove the debt completely from the member record and the invoice from the list of invoices. There will however be a record retained of the Invoice number, action taken with it and the date this occurred and the login of the person carrying out the deletion. This record will be stored in the Reports/Transaction Log.

To Send an Email Requesting the member pay outstanding amounts

  1. Note: This will not create new invoice but simply amalgamate all outstanding invoices into one itemised invoice.
  2. Highlight the member name in the Member List
  3. Click the Email Pay Owing button in the page menu
  4. Type an accompanying email and click Send
  5. When the payment is received, receipt it. It will zero out all outstanding invoices.

3. Any member whose membership type has a zero cost against it in Settings/Membership types will not be sent a Renewal Invoice – this usually includes Honorary and Life members. Make sure your Honorary or Life member’s membership period is still current by updating their Paid to Date. You can view any out of date membership paid to dates by clicking the up/down arrow beside Membership Paid To column on the Member List.

To Update a Life/Honorary Member's "Paid to" date

  1. Double click on the member's name in the Member List
  2. Go to the Organisation tab on their record.
  3. Update the Paid to Date and click Save

4. Once you are satisfied that all memberships are correct then send out Membership Invoices.

  1. Click Members/Email Membership Invoice link in the left hand main menu.
  2. In the Expiring Before field enter a date one day or more later than your Membership Paid To date. For example for memberships expiring 31/12/2024 enter 01/01/2025
  3. Enter an appropriate Subject Line and type the message to accompany your emailed membership invoice.
  4. Click Next
  5. Either check the Select All box to select all members who's membership expiry date is before the date indicated. IMPORTANT: we suggest you firstly send an invoice to yourself only. In that way you can check that all is correct before you go back and send to the entire membership. If it is correct you can then return and click Send.
  6. If you have Stripe connected your members will be able to pay their subscription immediately so if possible test this with your own membership.
  7. Be aware only those members with an email address recorded in their record, who do not have a zero cost membership and who don't appear on any of the Members/Undeliverable Email lists will receive a Membership Invoice. Members who share an email address with another member will each receive an invoice. For members without email addresses you can print a Reminder (Communications/Reminders-Print then select the relevant members. This list will include only members without email addresses).

5. Your member will receive a Membership Invoice with a Click Here to Pay link included and an outstanding amount will be shown against the member's name in your Member List. Should the member decide not to renew, any unpaid invoices against their name will be deleted when you make them Inactive.

6. When the member receives the Member Invoice and clicks the payment link they will be able to update their contact details. These updates are directly into your database so there is no requirement for intervention to update the details. The member will then either be able to view and print the Direct Deposit details and/or if your organisation is connected to Stripe, pay the outstanding invoice by credit/debit card. If paying by direct deposit the member will be given a bank reference to use on their deposit which consists of MEM followed by the first 5 letters or their surname. This assists you to identify their payment on your bank statement.

7. If the member pays by Stripe, Stripe will automatically receipt the payment to the member and Member Wizard will automatically increment the members Paid to Date against their record. If they paid by Stripe the receipt will zero out the invoice and there will be no amount showed owing against the member’s name. If the member does not pay by Stripe this will not occur until once you have ascertained that it is in your bank account and the money is receipted. To manually receipt the member payment simply highlight the member name in the Member List and click Receipt. A message will pop up showing the outstanding amount and when you click to accept this all details will be entered onto the receipt which then just needs to be Saved.

8. At any time you are able to click the small arrow adjacent to the Amount Owing column on your Member List and all those with outstanding invoices will be displayed at the top of the list.

Making Unrenewed Members Inactive

Once your committee decides that it is time to make un-financial members Inactive in your database (note: Member Wizard subscriptions do not count Inactive members):

  1. Go to your Member List and click the Deactivate Expired Members button in the page menu.
  2. Select the membership type you wish to deactivate. The current date will default into the Expired Before field.
  3. Click Next
  4. The next screen will show a selected list of all unpaid members as of the date given. You can either accept all this list or uncheck those who you wish to exclude from deactivation. If you only wish one or two members to be deactivated from the list uncheck the Un-select All box at the top of the list and individually select the required members.
  5. Click Deactivate Selected Members
  6. Making a member Inactive automatically deletes all outstanding invoices against their record.
  7. If you wish to reactivate an Inactive member, change the filter at the top of the Member List page from Active to Inactive, select and double click the member name from the Inactive list and on the Organisation tab of their record change the Status field at the bottom of the page from Inactive to Active

End of Year Class Processes

  1. If you are ready to close your current Class period you can Archive your current classes. This will make a snapshot of the Class with all details and enrolled and wait-listed students for later reference. You will be able to view the archived class by changing the Status at the top of the Class List and changing it to Archived.
  2. Ensure before you Archive a class that you have printed out Attendance Sheets right to the end of the class period as you will not be able to produce an Attendance Sheet for the class after it is Archived.
  3. You can also Copy/Archive the class. This will create a new copy of the class with the default name of Copy before the current class name. You will be asked if you wish to copy across the current class of students and the waiting list. Select the members you wish to add into the new class. It will then Archive the current class.
  4. If you wish to make a copy of an existing class but do not wish to Archive the old class just select Copy. To avoid the class shwoing up on the Web Class List while you finish configuring your new classes we suggest you make each of the new classes Inactive. You will still be able to work on them in the Inactive status Class List. Once they are ready to publish and you wish to remove the old classes, you can Archive only  the old classes then go to Classes/Class Status Change, select all the Inactive new classes and click the Make Class Active button.
  5. You will need to enter new Start and End dates, terms and costs into the new class.
  6. In the next step a payment email request (in cases where more than one payment options exists) will be sent to the student with a link to pay. In cases where there is only one payment option an invoice will simply be sent.
  7. You can view Archived classes by changing the Active Status at the top of the Classes page to Archived.
  8. We suggest you view your Class list in the Your Web Class List menu item and enroll in one of the newly published classes to ensure that it is set up as you require before advising your members to go online and register for new classes.
  9. Note your new classes will only be available to enroll on the Web Class List if you have checked the box on the Class details page which says Allow Online Enrolment so if you wish to prepare your entire Class list but not permit enrolment till a certain date then just leave this box unchecked. Members will still be able to view the upcoming class details but not enroll. If you do not wish the Class to be visible on the Web Class List uncheck the Active button. You can continue to work on setting up the Class while it is Inactive by changing the Status field at the top of the Class List page to Inactive and selecting the Class.