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December 10 to 20, 2024 - Member Wizard Update

1. Completed Manage Attachments. Attachments are now automatically made Inactive after sending but can be made permanently Active in Communications/Manage Attachments.

2. Users with class permission are now able to email students and tutors even though they don't have communications access. 

3. Change to online Membership Renewal process. If a member's email address is not found when entered they are informed of this and asked to contact the organisation. If their email address is shared with another member they are asked to renew using the Portal or to contact their organisation. If they have already paid their subscription for the current year they are informed of this. If they have already had an invoice created it will be again emailed to them, otherwise an invoice is created and sent to them.

4. Fixed couple of bugs in the Import Classes function.

5. Completed Class Resources module. Tutors and those with Class Access in MW can now attach files or links to their class in a folder found in My Classes in the Member Portal. This means that resources can now be delivered directly to students of a particular class only. When a class is Archived the Resources are deleted unless it is also Copied in which case the Resources also will be copied into the new class.