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Open or Enrollment Day Procedures




  1. If you are in a noisy crowded environment, we suggest you ensure you have blank membership forms provided in the room and direct new members to fill out the form and then bring it to the admin table. You will find this much easier than trying to hear their details in such circumstances.
  2. On the Member List page click +ADD and enter the new member’s details on the Contact page.
  3. If your organisation has set up their Member Wizard so that new members require approval before being made Active then your new member will be created as a Status of Pending. You can find these members by changing the Status field at the top of the Member List from Active to Pending..
  4. Click SAVE, a message will appear asking if you wish to receipt the member. If they member is paying now through cash, cheque or by tapping their payment card say YES. If they indicate that they would prefer to receive an invoice and pay via direct deposit say NO.

Paying by Cash/Cheque/Credit card tap

  1. A receipt will appear with the member’s details prefilled in it.
  2. Select the payment type (probably either Cash or Credit Card if using a Square reader).
  3. Click on the ADD ITEM button below the receipt item box
  4. In the Category box select the membership type they are paying for, the cost and the member’s paid to date will then appear, click SAVE.
  5. If the member has provided you with an email address on their record they will be emailed a receipt. If not and provided you have a printer connected to the computer carrying out the receipting you can check the Print Receipt box and click SAVE.
  6. See END OF DAY processes below to see how to deposit cash/credit card receipts.

Paying by Credit or Debit card when Stripe is connected to your Member Wizard

  1. If you are connected to Stripe then enter the member’s contact details and save their membership. Select Yes when asked if you wish to create an Invoice.
  2. You will see there is now an amount for membership showing in the Member’s Amount Owing column in the Member List.
  3.  Highlight the member’s name in the Member List and click the Card Payment option.
  4. Enter the member’s card details and click Save. A receipt will be sent to the member if they have email otherwise it can be printed from the Money/Receipt List.
  5. The Member’s paid to date will then be inserted in their member record.

Paying from an Invoice

  1. From the Money menu select Invoices and locate the Member’s membership invoice. Click Email. If this is greyed out and can not be selected it is because your member has no email address. In this case you can only print the invoice.
  2. A window where you can enter a brief email message will appear, in the Subject line type Membership Reminder - <your organisation name>. You may wish to type a brief message but it is not necessary.
  3. Click SEND. The new member will receive an Invoice with an amount to pay and the BSB details of where to deposit the money or if you are connected to Stripe, a credit/debit card payment field.
  4. For direct deposit payments, once the Treasurer has receipted the funds the Member’s paid to date will be displayed on the Member List and the system will email them a receipt. Until then it will be blank. For Stripe the receipting and paid to date process is automatic.



  1. If the member is both joining AND enrolling in classes, complete the relevant new member process above first.
  2. Remember if you have checked the box New Member Needs Approval in the Settings/New Member Application page then your new members record will not appear in your Active Member List but will be in your Pending Member List. To view this list change the Status at the top of the page to show Pending.
  3. Locate or search for the member name on the Member List and double click on the member’s record. Go to the CLASSES tab at the top of the member record and select the class/classes the member wishes to enroll in. If the member indicates they wish to pay now by cash/Square or cheque select NO.
  4. If you answered NO (the member will be paying now) then after saving the member record highlight the members name in the Member list and click Receipt.
  5. A receipt will appear with the member’s details indicated and an amount owing equivalent to the classes they have enrolled in will be shown in the Item field.
  6. Select their payment method and click SAVE. A receipt will be emailed to them if they have provided an email address otherwise you can check the Print Receipt box if there is a printer attached to the computer you are on and process their payment.

IMPORTANT: If the member is both joining and enrolling in classes at the same time then before sending them a membership invoice enrol them in their classes and then instead of Members/Email Membership Invoices instead highlight their name in the Member List and click Email Pay Owing. This will combine all outstanding invoices into one itemized invoice which can be paid with one amount.


At the end of the day you will likely have an amount of cash and cheques and possibly will have made a number of Square credit card transactions.

When this money is deposited it goes into the bank as a total bulk amount. The Member Wizard system in order to provide you with a figure which will be replicated on your bank statement needs to know which receipts are included in this bulk amount.

You will need to create 2 deposits. One for the cash/cheques and one for the end of day reading from the Square reader.

 The method used to do this is to produce a DEPOSIT.


1.      Click Money/Deposit then click +Add on the Deposit list page.

2.      Select the Bank Account into which you will be depositing the cash/cheques.

3.      A list of all the Cash/Cheque/Credit Card receipts will appear in the list.

4.      Select all those which are Cash or Cheque.

5.      These will be totaled at the bottom of the form. Ensure that the totals equal the amount of Cash and Cheques that you have received.

6.      Click SAVE.

Credit Card payments

7.      Click Money/Deposit then click +Add on the Deposit list page.

8.      Select the Bank Account into which the credit card payments will be made.

9.      A list of all the Cash/Cheque/Credit Card receipts will appear in the list.

10.  Select all those which are Credit card.

11.  These will be totaled at the bottom of the form. Ensure that the totals equal the amount of Credit card deposits on the Square reader

12.  Click SAVE. Using this method, the amount of the deposit will represent the amount which appears on your Bank Statement which will make your Bank Reconciliation process easy.


If a current member indicates they wish to pay their next year subscription

1.      Search for the member name in the Search bar at the top of the Member List page

2.      Highlight the member’s name and select Receipt

3.      A receipt form will open with the member’s details prefilled in it

4.      Select the payment method

5.      Click +Add Item and in the Category box select the membership type of the Member.

6.      The amount and new paid to date will be defaulted into the relevant fields.

7.      Click Save to return to the receipt and then Save again to email the member a receipt or check the Print box if a printer is connected to the computer to print a receipt.


If the member is already current in the system and just wishes to enroll in classes for the next Term

1.      Search for the Member in the Member List

2.      Double click to open the member record

3.      Go to the Classes tab at the top of the member record

4.      Select the classes they wish to enroll in

5.      Click SAVE

If the member indicates they wish to pay by invoice and direct deposit

6.      When asked if you wish to send the member an invoice click YES.

If the member indicates they wish to pay now by cash/cheque or using your card reader

7.      When asked if you wish to send the member an invoice click NO.

8.      When you are returned to the Member List, highlight the members name and click RECEIPT in the page menu.

9.      A Receipt form will open with the member’s details pre filled and the amount owing for the class already defaulted in, click to accept this.

10.  Process the payment in the usual way depending on how they are paying (Cash/Cheque or Credit card).

If you do not have a tap card reader but are connected to Stripe

11. The amount the member owes for classes will show in the Amount Owing column. Highlight their name in the Member List and select Card Payment.

12. The payment window will open, enter the member's card details and click Save. The member will be automatically emailed a receipt (provided they have an email address, if not and you have a printer connected go to Money/Receipt, locate the member's receipt and select Print.