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Instructions for Front Office/Reception staff on handling member payments




Log In to Member Wizard

1.      Enter the following URL into your web browser.

2.      Click on the LOGIN button at the top right of your screen.

3.      Enter your Username and Password to log in to Member Wizard.

Edit an Existing Member’s Details

1.      At the top of the main menu column at the left of the screen, select Members.

2.      Select the first option under this menu option. This also is called Members.

3.      You will see that the Status field at the top left of screen defaults to Active members. These are members who have been financial in the last calendar year. The list also includes life members and non-paying tutors. If wanting to find a member who has not been financial in recent years, select Inactive members.

4.      To edit an existing member’s details, search for the member in question by using the Search field at the top right of the screen. It is quicker to Search for a member using either their name (can be surname or first name) or member number. To view and search by member number, tick the Member # check box at the top of the screen.

5.      Double-click on the required member’s name or highlight the required member and select Edit from the list of options to the left of the list of names.

6.      In the Edit Member window, make the required changes to the recorded data.

7.      Once you have finished editing the member’s details, click Save.

Adding a New Member

1.      At the top of the main menu column at the left of the screen, select Members.

2.      Select the first option under this menu option. This also is called Members.

3.      You will see that the Status field at the top left of screen defaults to Active members. These are members who have been financial in the last calendar year. The list also includes life members and non-paying tutors.

4.      Select the + Add from the list of options to the left of the list of names. This will open the New Member Details screen.

5.      Complete as many as possible of the listed fields. Please note that the Contact Address (plus Suburb and Postcode) refer to the member’s postal address. The Other Address (plus Suburb and Postcode) refer to the member’s residential address and should only be entered if they differ from the postal address.

6.      In the menu list across the top of the Add Member screen, select Groups. Tick the check box that corresponds to the new member’s home district. If they are willing to be a tutor, tick that check box also.

7.      Once finished entering the new member’s details, click Save. You will be notified of the new member’s Member Number.

8.      You will then be asked if you would like to enter a Receipt or and Invoice for this member. This allows you to receive a payment from the new member for their membership subscription.

9.      If you choose Receipt, you will enter the Add Receipt window. Check the Receipt Date is correct (For EFT - Change to the date of the Bank transactions)

10.  Check the following:    Paid by: Member (correct for Member payments)

                                           Member: Members name (check member’s name is correct)

11.  Select Payment Type   EFT (Members who paid via direct transfer to S21 bank a/c)
                                     Cash (Member pays you Cash)

                                           Cheque (Member pays you Cheque)

                                           Split (Member pays you part Cash / Cheque / Cr or Dr Card)    

                                           Credit/Debit Card (Member pays via card - EFTPOS machine)

12.  Select Bank Account – Only required for EFT payment type – Select S21 account in this case.

13.  Click Add Item button and Select Category and type ‘New Member’ and select.  Check the amount displayed is correct and click the Save button.

14.  Check that the membership type, cost and the new Paid to date: are correct and if not edit as necessary. The Paid to date should reflect the end of the current financial year unless the member is joining in the last two months of the current membership year in which case it will be for the end of the next membership year.

15.  Do not click on any GST buttons. 

16.  The Total owing will be displayed. Take payment and check money/amount is correct.

17.  Select either Print Receipt or Email Receipt. Click Save.

18.  If the member indicates they wish to pay by credit card and you do not use a card reader but are connected to Stripe then instead of creating a Receipt, you should select to create an Invoice. Follow then the steps as per renewing members paying by Stripe below.

Receipting an Existing Member’s Membership Subscription without using Stripe

1.      In the Members screen, search for the member using either their name (can be surname or first name) or member number. See the search field at the top right of the screen. To view and search by member number, tick the Member # check box at the top of the screen.

2.      If you can not locate the member’s name in the Active status list then change the status to Inactive and search there. If the member has been made Inactive then on the Organisation tab of the member’s record change the status from Inactive to Active. In this case also remember to check the paid to date of any subscription payment they are making and adjust it to reflect the correct paid to date as necessary when receipting.

3.      With the member name highlighted, double click to check member’s details are correct.  If changes are required, make changes and Save.

4.      Select Receipt from the list of options to the left of the list of names. The outstanding balance for Class or other fees may appear. Check OK.

5.      In the Add Receipt window, Check the Receipt Date is correct (For EFT - Change to the date of the Bank transactions)

6.      Check the following:    Paid by: Member (correct for Member payments)

                                           Member: Members name (check member’s name is correct)

7.      Select Payment Type   EFT (Members who paid via direct transfer to S21 bank a/c)
                                     Cash (Member pays you Cash)

                                           Cheque (Member pays you Cheque)

                                           Split (Member pays you part Cash / Cheque / Cr or Dr Card)    

                                           Credit/Debit Card (Member pays via card - EFTPOS machine)

8.      Select Bank Account – Only required for EFT payment type – Select the organisation’s bank account used for membership payments.

9.      Click Add Item button and Select Category and select the membership category of the renewing member.  Check the amount displayed is correct and click the Save button.

10.  Check that the membership type, period and paid to date are correct and if not edit as required. Paid to date should be the end of the next membership year. Note. If a member has been Inactive then their paid to date will reflect 12 months from the last paid to date so edit this to be the end of the correct membership year.

11.  Do not click on any GST buttons. 

12.  You will see that the member’s unpaid fees/items are listed on this screen.

13.  FOR PART PAYMENT - From the Add Receipt screen – to remove the items/fees the member is not going to be paying at this time, highlight the item to be removed and click the Delete Item button to remove these items from the screen. Show only the item/items the member is paying and then click the Save button. The receipt will show the amount still owing. Items deleted from this screen will not be deleted from the system. They will still appear in the items owing list to be paid at a later date.

14.  The Total owing will be displayed. Take payment and check money/amount is correct.

15.  Select either Print Receipt or Email Receipt. Click Save.

Membership payments using Stripe

Follow steps 1-3 above.

1.      An invoice will be created against the member’s record

2.      Select the members name from the Member List and click Card Payment

3.      If this option is greyed out and can not be selected it is because either there is no outstanding invoice or your organization is not connected to Stripe.

4.      Enter the member’s card details and click Save. The member will automatically be sent a receipt to their email address of if no email then you will be able to locate the receipt in the Receipt List and click Print.

Enrol a Member into a Class

There are two ways to enrol a member into a PPC class.

Option 1: Enrol a Member into a Class through the Members Screen

1.      In the Members screen, search for the member using either their name (can be surname or first name) or member number. See the search field at the top right of the screen. To view and search by member number, tick the Member # check box at the top of the screen.

2.      Double-click on the required member’s name or highlight the required member and select Edit from the list of options to the left of the list of names.

3.      In the Edit Member window, select Classes at the right of the menu options at the top of the window.

4.      Scroll through the list of available classes and tick the check box in the Enrol column for each class the member wishes to be enrolled in. If the class in question is full, you will only be given the option of adding the member to the waiting list. Once you have finished, click Save.

5.      You will be told that an invoice will be raised for the new enrolments and you will be asked if it should be emailed to the member.

6.      To receive payment for these new enrolments and any other outstanding amounts, with the member name highlighted, select Receipt from the list of options to the left of the list of names. You will be told the total amount owing for this member.

7.      In the Add Receipt window, Check the Receipt Date is correct (For EFT - Change to the date of the Bank transactions)

8.      Check the following:    Paid by: Member (correct for Member payments)

                                           Member: Members name (check member’s name is correct)

9.      Select Payment Type   EFT (Members who paid via direct transfer to S21 bank a/c)
                                     Cash (Member pays you Cash)

                                           Cheque (Member pays you Cheque)

                                           Split (Member pays you part Cash / Cheque / Cr or Dr Card)    

                                           Credit/Debit Card (Member pays via card - EFTPOS machine)

10.  Select Bank Account – Only required for EFT payment type – Select S21 account in this case.

11.  Do not click on any GST buttons. 

12.  You will see that the member’s unpaid fees/items are listed on this screen.

13.  FOR PART PAYMENT - From the Add Receipt screen – to remove the items/fees the member is not going to be paying at this time, highlight the item to be removed and click the Delete Item button to remove these items from the screen. Show only the item/items the member is paying and then click the Save button. The receipt will show the amount still owing. Items deleted from this screen will not be deleted from the system. They will still appear in the items owing list to be paid at a later date.

14.  Take payment and check money/amount is correct.

15.  Select either Print Receipt or Email Receipt. Click Save.

Option 2: Enrol a Member into a Class through the Classes Screen

1.      In the main menu column at the left of the screen, select Classes.

2.      Select the first option under this menu option. This also is called Classes.

3.      You will see a screen that lists all the available classes, the number of students currently enrolled, the number of members or prospective students in the waiting list, and the maximum number of students that can be enrolled in the class.

4.      Navigate to the class that the member wishes to enrol in. You can use the Search field at the top right of the screen or just scroll using the navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen.

5.      Highlight the required class and select Enrolled Students from the list of options to the left of the list of classes.

6.      This window shows the students currently enrolled in the class in question. If the class is full, change the Student Status from Enrolled to On Waiting List to see members on the waiting list.

7.      You can add members to the class (if it is not full) by selecting Add to Enrolled List at the top of the list of options to the left of the list of students (in Enrolled List view).

8.      If the class is full, you can add members to the waiting list by selecting Add to Waiting List at the top of the list of options to the left of the list of students (in Waiting List view).

9.      If a place becomes available in the Enrolled list (the class) and there are members in the Waiting List, display the waiting list, highlight the member to be added to the Enrolled List, and use the Move to Enrolled List option to the left of the list of waiting members to move that person into the class. An invoice will be generated at this point.

10.  You can use this screen to Delete students off either list, or to Move them between the two lists. This needs to be done with care as it will affect invoices for class enrolments.

11.  Please note that the Waiting List displays the date and time that members were added to the list. They can be moved to the class in the order that they were added to the waiting list. You can sort the waiting list in order of the date added.

12.  Once finished, to receive payment for this class and any other outstanding amounts, go to Step 6 of Option 1 in the Members menu option.

Note: Option 2 has the greater capabilities for managing the Enrolled and Waiting lists and gives more information on the class and its students. Option 1, however is probably more direct if just enrolling the member in one class as it also allows payment of fees through the Receipt function in the Members section.

Removing a Member from a Class

1.      If the member asks to be removed from any of the Classes listed on the Receipt screen, go to the Members screen, find the member in question and then select Statement from the options to the left.

2.      Highlight the class invoice to be removed and click Delete. This will remove the invoice and member from the Class List. This cannot be done to an invoice that has already been paid.

3.      A member can also be removed from a class by using the Classes section (as in option 2 above), displaying the enrolled members and selecting Remove. However, this does not delete the invoice and this will have to be done separately.

4.      If the member wishes to either move from one class to another go to Classes and select the class the member is currently enrolled in.

5.      Highlight the student’s name and click Move Student to Another Class. Enter the amount to be credited from one class to the other and select the New Class. Click the box if you wish to send the student an Invoice from the remainder of the class fee.

6.      If the credit amount is 0 the entire class fee of the new class will be invoiced. If there is however an amount entered this amount will be deducted from the new class fee.

7.      If the amount credited is greater than the cost of the class a credit will appear on the member’s statement and will be deducted from any other outstanding amounts.

8.      If you wish to refund this credit then transfer the money to the member’s bank account and issue them a receipt for the negative amount equal to the refund. Use the same account category as the money was originally deposited into.