January 21 to Feb 2 2025 - Member Wizard Update
1. We've made it possible to delete a Membership type provided it is not being used for any member.
2. You can now sort Name tags by Name or by Member Number.
3. The Display Attendance now shows any advised absences
4. The All Classes Student list now includes the date they were added to the class.
5. We've increased the size of our database allowance in Microsoft Azure by 150% - this should stop the occasional problem we've had of late of time outs because the database is overloaded with users....we are very happy about this...it shows we are growing!
6. You can now get a Class Brochure of all your classes which is in Word format so it can be formatted how you want. The function is in Member Wizard/Classes Class Brochere menu item.
7. Print Attendance Sheet is now more compactly organised
8. the Member Portal Class Resource Viewer has been reformatted.
9. The All Classes Student List export to Excel now uses an appropriate file name.
10. When an unfinancial member enrols in a free class, a membership invoice is created and emailed to them.
11. If you add a membership type is added, edited or deleted we refresh the cache immediately so it is reflected in the category list instead of having to wait till you logged in again.
12. Students now receive an email if they are enrolled or removed from a class and this email is recorded in the Communications Sent and also in the Member Communications for that member. This email includes the email address of the admin person or tutor who added or removed them from the class
13. Fixed the web link problem in the Portal Resource viewer
14. Made it possible for Pending members to access the Member Portal.