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Overview of Classes

Working with Classes - an Overview

Classes have four components which need to be created in order to use them to construct your Class.

Before you set up a Class you need to firstly advise if the class will be conducted "face to face" or Online. There is a tick box for Online classes which removes the requirement for a Tutor, Venue, Start Date/Time etc . Face to face classes require you to configure additional information such as Terms, Payment Blocks, Venues  and Tutors/Convenors.

If you have a Class Coordinator (this is defined as a person who has overall responsibility for all Classes for your organisation) then this can be configured in Settings/Organisation Details on the Classes tab. If you check the box next to their email address they will get advised of every enrollment and removal from a class. 

1. Courses, Lessons, Terms and Payment Blocks

You should create your teaching periods before you start entering your Classes.

Definition of periods in the Class module

Course: Designed for both a time period and for invoicing. Has a start and end date that does not map to a particular Term. Can be for instance a year, a month, seven months etc. Courses can sometimes require students to join at the beginning and then move through the course progressively together. This means that a Course may not be suitable for members to join after it has started - language classes particularly follow this pattern. Others which do not are discussion groups. You can manage this by unchecking the Allow Online Enrollment box in the Class setup. Doing this will prevent students from enrolling after the start of the course.

The Start Date must be provided for Courses but the End Date can be left blank if the course is ongoing. There are three main reasons for entering dates here. If the Class is ongoing but hasn't started yet you need to insert a Start Date and lastly if they class has been ongoing but will finish then insert an End Date. If the class is ongoing or you are advertising just for a term, simply leave them blank.

Lesson: Designed for charging purposes only. It is typically used when a member likes to pay by the week to the Tutor on the day. No invoice is created. Unless a receipt is produced for each individual paying by the Lesson then there is no record on the Member's Statement that they attended. They do appear on the Attendance Sheet but there is a in each week of the sheet to remind the Tutor that money needs to be collected from this student.

Terms: Designed for a period and for invoicing. Terms are generally activated one at a time and the period they cover appears on the Web Class List. They usually map to school terms. If you wish to combine the cost of Terms (eg Terms 1 and 2) and provide a discount you need to create a Payment Block which you can call Term 1 and 2 combined. 

Payment Block: Designed for charging only. These are designed to allow for periods outside of any of the other alternatives. They can cover months of the year, 4 or 6 week blocks within a course etc. They are typically used within Courses where the cost of paying up front for say a full year may prove prohibitive for some. By using Payment Blocks you can allow them to pay progressively throughout the year rather than in one lump sum up front. Useful when the organisation does not permit payment on the day.

Single day: Designed for a period and charging. As the name indicates its a single day which could be a lunchtime talk. Similar to an Event but will appear directly within the Class Calendar on the Web Class List.

If you have created Terms or Payment Blocks you can use the Date Picker to select the period of those in the start and end date fields.

If you have a situation where you want to enter a member into a class without an invoice being generated then you need to make an entry for the student, the class and the period in the Pre-paid Enrolments function.

2. Tutors/Convenors

Your Tutor/Convenor must already be a member within your database. If your they do not pay membership fees to your organisation then you should create a Membership Type called Tutor (or Convenor) with a $0 cost membership fee which means they will not receive Membership Invoices. Go to Classes/Tutors-Convenors in the main menu and select Add. Click in the Member field and select your Tutor or Convenor. You can enter details of their availability and what their area of expertise is in the Notes area below.

To deactivate a Tutor/Convenor who is no longer available simply uncheck the Active box. If you wish to reactivate a Tutor/Convenor simply uncheck the Active Only box on the top of the Tutor List page and recheck their Active box.

You can add as many Tutors to a class as you require. You can also add a Class Convenor who will be copied on all emails relating to the class.

If you have a member who is designated an overarching responsibility for all courses/classes (we have called these Class Coordinators) then you can designate them in Settings/Organisation Details on the Classes tab. All other roles are designated at the individual Class level.

3. Venues

Venue must have a Name, an Address and a Capacity. These fields must be completed before you can Save. If a venue does not have a capacity you should enter any large number such as 1000. The Capacity field is used to calculate when a class is to large to be accommodated in a venue and does not appear on the Web Class List.

To create a Venue go to Classes/Venues in the main menu and select Add. You can enter any comments in the Notes field such as parking, accessibility, vaccination requirements etc. These will appear on the Web Class List.

The Office Notes field is to hold appropriate information about the venue which you do not wish to display on the Web Class List.

To deactivate a no longer used Venue uncheck the Active box. You can reactivate a deactivated venue by unchecking the Active Venues Only box on the Venues List page and rechecking the Active box.

The system will alert you if you schedule a class in a Venue which is already scheduled at the same time for another class but this can be overridden. 

4. Subject

The Subject field is used to categorise and display the list of Classes offered on your web page. Students will be able to sort your list of classes based on Subject as well as alphabetically and by the day on which they occur. 

In addition to Subject, if you are a U3A then you are requested to also configure a Subject Category. These categories are common across all U3A's and allow U3A Australia to collect valuable information about class enrolments which can be used to obtain grants and funding. You can call a Subject anything you wish but each Subject has to be mapped back to a U3A Australia Subject Category to aid in this data collection.

To create a Subject go to Classes/Subjects in the main menu and click Add. A Subject must only have a name in order to Save.

To deactivate a no longer offered Subject uncheck the Active box. You can reactivate a deactivated venue by unchecking the Active Venues Only box on the Subject List page and rechecking the Active box.

Limiting Enrolment to number of Classes per subject

If you have set up Implement Enrolment Period in Settings/Organisation Details on the Classes tab you can also limit the number of classes in a particular Subject area that a member may enroll in during the nominated Enrolment Period. 

This will prevent members from enrolling in say 5 exercise classes in the same period which makes it difficult and unfair to others. If you wish to implement this type of limitation then complete the details on the Subject form below. If you check the box Exclude from all Maximum Enrolment Limits no limits, including the Total Classes  

Creating a Class

Once you have entered all your Tutors, Venues and Subjects you can proceed to create a Class.

Go to Classes/Classes in the main menu and click the Add button. The mandatory fields for a Class are all those marked in orange.

Enter the Name of the Class. You can then enter details about what topics etc. will be covered in the Description box. You can also upload pictures. These classes will be displayed on your website. If you check the box at the bottom of the page your students will be able to enroll online.

Select the SubjectTutor or Tutors (you can have multiple) then select the Frequency of the class.

If you have created Terms or Payment Blocks you can use the Date Picker to select the period of those in the start and end date fields.

Students will be able to enrol in whatever Terms you have set up (provided they are marked as Active) but if they enroll in a term or for a payment block of a number of weeks, they will be required to pay in advance and in both cases an invoice against that member is created and will show them as owing money until a receipt is applied to that invoice. If you enter a cost per Lesson and the student selects this when enrolling they will not be able to pay online so only use this option if you intend your Tutor to collect payments on the day. In the case of this payment, no invoice is created.

If your student wishes to pay off a term of classes they can do so by depositing whatever amount they are able to pay via Direct Deposit. You will then need to receipt this payment against their outstanding Invoice (an Invoice is automatically created when they enroll online) and similarly apply all other receipted payments until the invoice is fully paid off. If they pay by Stripe they can only pay the full amount owing.

Enrolling a Student in a Class through Member Wizard

This can be done in one of four ways.

Firstly you can roll over the students from a previous period into the new period through the Copy or Archive Class page. See that page for details on how to do this.

Secondly in Classes/Class highlight the class then select Enrolled Students. Provided the number of students enrolled in the class has not reached the maximum number allowable in that Class you can click the +Add option in the left hand menu and click in the Student field. A drop box of all members will be displayed and you can scroll down and select the student you wish to add. If the class has a fee attached to it you will need to indicate which payment method (either per class or per term) that is required. If the pay by week option is available and chosen no invoice is created however if the pay by term option is available and a term is selected then an invoice is created but not automatically emailed. This is not the case when the member themselves enrolls via the Web Class List option. In that case the member will be automatically emailed an invoice with all classes itemised and membership cost also if appropriate.

If you wish to email the invoice you need to locate it in the Invoice List and click Email in order to send it. This has been done so that if the student wishes to enrol in more than one class, all classes can be selected then you can go to the student's member record in the Member List and click Pay Owing and an itemised invoice containing all outstanding amounts will be sent. Be sure to check the Member Statement first to see that no unexpected charges will appear on this as it will go right back through all transactions to identify missing payments..

The third method to enroll a student in a class is through their member contact record in the Member List screen. Open the member's record and click on the tab at the top of the record which reads Classes. Locate the class into which they wish to enroll and check the box beside it. Once again if the pay by week is available and chosen no invoice is created however if the pay by term option is available and a term is selected then an invoice is created but not automatically emailed. See paragraph above for instructions on how to proceed to send an invoice.

Lastly the member can enroll via their Member Portal.

Venue and a Maximum student number for the class which may be less than that of the Venue. Once the class is full, the Enroll button will be removed from the online enrolment web page and in its place a Join Waiting List button will appear. Students will however still be able to register for the class and will go onto the Waitlist with a record kept of the date and time they joined it. 

The Payment Category is where you wish to see all the income from student enrolments for that class. You can have a different Payment Category for each class if you wish to track the economy of each class. Class income and expenses appear as items on your Profit and Loss Statement

Publishing and Enrolling in Classes Online

Once you have created all your classes you can check how it is going to appear online by clicking the button Your Web Class List . If this is approved you can obtain a link which can be placed on your website at an appropriate location which will allow people to see your course details as you have constructed them and also to enroll in them. To obtain your link please email and request your class link. Instructions will also be provide for your webmaster on the insertion of the link into your website.

Once your classes are online you need only update, change, add or delete them in your Member Wizard to have the changes instantly reflected on your website.

How can a member enroll in a Class?

There are a couple of ways a member can enroll depending on the policy of the organisation. Members can enroll online via the Member Portal. They can also view the classes in which they have enrolled and submit an Absence from class for a week/s if required.

The other method is via face to face or by paper form (if provided) by a registered user with a Member Wizard login. Members can be added to a class either by checking the box on the Classes tab of their membership record or by being added to the Enrolled Students list for that class. Both methods will provide the operator with payment options for the member.

Enabling Online Class Enrolment

At the bottom of the Edit Class form there is a check box Allow Online Enrolment. If you check this box an Enroll link will appear adjacent to the class on your online Class listing.

Once someone clicks the Enroll link they will be asked if they wish to enroll in any other classes.

If they say Yes then the Classes list will again appear with their selected class shown in a list at the top of the page and they will be able to continue to enroll in other classes which will then be added to this list.

Once they have chosen all classes and select No to the Add another class? query they will be asked if they are a member of your U3A. If the student is not yet a member they will be sent to a New Member contact form to complete it and then allowed to enroll and an invoice to both join the organisation and pay for the class will be emailed to them.

Enrolling Non-Members in a Class

If the prospective student is not a current Active Member they will be presented with an Online Membership Form, their details will be collected and they will be added into your Member Wizard Member list. If you do not currently have Online Membership enabled for your organisation this will still occur so if you do not wish to have members join online then you can not enable class online enrolment.

If students must be financial members then once they have entered their details an invoice will appear on screen and the person will be able to pay for their membership using whatever payment methods you have set up for your organisation. If you wish members to be Pending until approved then you can configure this in the Settings/New Member Application and checking the box marked New Members Require Approval.

If you do not require your students to be a financial member of your organisation, you can create a membership category called (say) Student with a zero cost associated with it and check the box which allows those selecting this membership type online to select it. You should then instruct potential students within the description section of the class for them to select this membership type when enrolling online. They will still be required to provide all contact details etc. but will not be presented with a payment screen or sent an invoice for payment. They will then appear in your membership list with membership type of Student.

If the member pays by direct deposit or in person at the office then until a receipt is recorded their membership record will show they owe the cost of membership as enrolment automatically creates an Invoice against that students record.

Once they have completed the membership form and clicked Save they will be taken to a Invoice payment screen which will offer the payment options your organisation has enabled and their name will be added to the Enrolled Students list for that class.

For any enrolment in a class, the tutor is sent an email advising that they have a new student. This can be disabled if required.

Enrolling Existing Members in a Class

If the prospective student indicates that they are a current Active Member then they will be asked to provide the email address registered against their membership. Having done this they will be asked to check their email and a confirmation is sent to them asking them to confirm their enrolment. Once they confirm their enrolment their name is added to the Students Enrolled list for that Class and if they have selected paying by term they will be emailed an invoice for payment.

If their email address is not found in your organisations Member List they will be informed on the screen that their email address Was not Found.

If the Class is full (ie the number of students enrolled exceeds the number of students permitted in the class) then the enrol button will not be visible however members can still enroll and will be placed on a Wait List. They will not be required to pay until the Class Coordinator moves them from the Wait List to the Enrolled List.

You can prevent students enrolling at any time by simply unchecking the Allow Online Enrolment check box.

Managing the Waiting vs Enrolled Class List

You can move anyone from the Waiting List for a Class to the Enrolled List or visa versa simply by clicking Students Enrolled from the menu for that particular Class, highlighting the students name and clicking either Move to Waiting List or Move to Enrolled List. You can only do this if there is room in the class.

When you move a student from the Wait List to the Enrolled list you will need to indicate the method of payment only if more than one payment period has been set up. If only one payment method is available then the system will automatically assume to use this payment period and if it is a term or block then an invoice will be emailed to the student. The student will get an email to advise them that they are now enrolled.

Tutors can manage their own classes, including moving students from the waiting to the enrolled list (and visa versa), contacting their students, viewing student emergency contact details and printing Class and Attendance sheets via their Member Portal provided the organisation has approved such access.

Advising of a Class Absence

If for some reason a member can not attend the class, they can submit advice of this through the Member Portal by selecting the class and clicking the Absence button in the My Classes page, and selecting the date they will be absent. This will send an email advice to the Tutor, the Conveynor and the Class Coordinator (if nominated).

Printing an Attendance Sheet

You can print an Attendance Sheet for your Tutor which will show the payment status of each student. If they student has elected to pay for the entire term then the letter P will show against their name for each of the lessons they have been invoiced for. Please note, this does not necessarily mean they have paid. It is up to the the organisation to manage payment of invoices. The amount owed will show beside a students name in the Member List until the invoice is paid. If there is no P then it is assumed the student is paying the Tutor for each lesson.

If the student has elected to pay by the Lesson then a will appear in each week of the class on the Attendance Sheet to alert the Tutor that they need to collect a payment from the student.

If the student has submitted an Absence for that week the Attendance Sheet will show an in that week for the student.

Emailing Tutor/s the Enrolled List for a Class

You can email a list of enrolled students and their contact details to the Tutor by highlighting the Class in the Class List and clicking the Email Student List to Tutors link in the left menu.

Viewing your Classes online

You can test how your classes will appear online by clicking the main menu button Your web Class List. If you are satisfied that this is how you wish your classes to appear and it is the first time your classes are going to appear online then go to Settings/Organisation Details and click on the Classes tab at the top of the page. Click and copy the button marked Web Class List Widget. Paste this code into the HTML section of your relevant classes page on your website.

If you are using the Member Wizard web site module add on to Member Wizard then your classes will already be displayed on your website.

 After you have your classes online with the Member Wizard class display you can edit, change, delete or add any class without requiring further involvement from your web management person via your Member Wizard login.