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Online Membership Applications

Member Wizard can make it easy for you to grow membership by providing a link for you to use on your web site for members to apply and pay for membership. What's even better is that their information such as contact details feeds directly into Member Wizard so that you don't have to create them in the system.

To set up your organisation to use this functionality go to Settings, Member Online Application.

1. New Member Instructions. Type in any instructions or information you need your new member to know before they start to register as a new member. This information will appear when you new member clicks on the membership link on your website. This field is optional.

2. Select the Membership Types Allowed for your members to choose. Obviously if you have membership types in your system for Life Members or Honorary Members you would not want these included so you must tell the system which ones you want made available for new members to choose. Once you have checked the box indicating the membership types you wish to offer click your mouse outside the box to close.

3. Select the Groups Allowed that the member is allowed to choose to join within your organisation. Any group you have (see Members, Manage Groups) where the box

3. Pro Rata Fees if your organisation has fixed year memberships and reduces membership fees for new members joining part way through a year, check this box. You will be able to select whether the pro rata interval is a month, a quarter or a half year.

4. Extend membership by an extra year. Some organisations extend the new members subscription for a full year if they join towards the end of a year. If you select this then you will be asked to nominated how many months before the end of the membership year should it apply. If you select Pro Rata you can select on what basis the fee will be incremented - Monthly, Quarterly or Half Yearly. Note. if you wish to have a Rolling Membership so that members are given 12 months from whenever they join then you need to set this up in Settings/Organisation Details on the Members tab.

2. Select the Default Membership Type you wish to see displayed when members apply online. The only choices here will be those you have chosen in 1. above. Any other options you offer will be drop downs which can be selected on your website.

3. If your organisation requires new members to be approved by say your committee before joining then check the box New Members Need Approval. If you have this box checked then new members who apply online or face to face will be created with a Status of Pending. You can view all such members by going to Members in the main navigation and changing the option selected under Status at the top of the list page to Pending. Once the member has been approved you can make them Active by checking the Active box at the bottom of the member's record on the Organisation tab.

4. Select which user of your Member Wizard system will receive an email advising that a new member has applied to join in the Who Gets the New Member Email field. Only those members who have Member Wizard logins will appear here.

5. In the field Text to Display on your Website is what your website link will read. You can edit this field as required

6. In the Welcome Email box you can type the email copy that your new member will receive on application and payment.

7. In the Terms and Conditions box you can enter any specific conditions that the member must agree to before they can join. You can if you wish include a link to the terms and conditions on your website if you have one.

7. At the bottom of the page is the HTML to give to your Website Administrator. This will only be displayed after you have clicked the Save button. Just click the Copy Link to Clipboard and click the Copy link.

8. To view or send your website link open any text editing software (such as Notepad or Word) and on a new page hold down the Ctrl+V button on your keyboard or or right click on the page and select Paste. Alternatively you should be able to paste it directly into an email to send to your web site administrator. If you wish to see what the new member form will look like when published you can paste the link into the URL bar of your browser.