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Creating and Viewing Events

About Events

Member Wizard can help you let members and others know when your organisation is having an event to which you'd like to invite them. Members can be sent an email advising them of the event which will permit them to register themselves and others for the event and if a cost is involved then after they have registered they will receive by email an invoice which will permit them to pay using whatever method the organisation has setup - at the least this will be by direct deposit but Credit / Debit Card payment is also available if Stripe has been installed. Non members and members can register for the event through the Link for Website which can be placed on your webpage. Members can also be emailed the event registration or they can access it through their Member Portal

Should someone who has already registered wish to add additional tickets to their registration they can do so from the same email they were originally sent however it is important to note that if the Event involves payment then each time a new registration is completed, a new invoice will be created which will ONLY include the additional tickets. It will not include the previous tickets if these too have not yet been paid for. Your registrant if paying by Credit / Debit Card is available, needs to pay for all the invoices individually or alternatively contact the organising contact person to make payment collectively by Credit / Debit Card. If however they wish to pay by direct deposit then the total of all outstanding tickets can be obtained by clicking the Statement link on the registration page or the member can pay the full amount by clicking Pay Owing in their Member Portal.

Should someone register for an Event which has exceeded the capacity set on it, or if their booking is such that the total number of registrants on it would exceed the total capacity set then the complete registration will be placed on the Event Waiting List and the member will not be invoiced. If you due to cancellations or because you have increased the event capacity the booking can be accommodated, then you can move the registration from the Waiting List to the Registered List.

If you move an event registration from the Waiting List to the Registered List at the back end then while the person will be registered and their invoice created, it will not have been emailed so should you wish the person to receive an invoice you should go to the Invoice List in Money, locate the invoice and click the Email Invoice button in the page menu. If however the person registering does so from the online website link or from the emailed event, their invoice will be automatically emailed to them.

Creating an Event

To create a new Event, click on Events, Manage Events. Complete the details of the event.

If you leave checked the box marked Contact is a Member then you will be able to search and select the member who is the main contact for the event and all their contact details will be automatically added to the event invitation. If you leave this box unchecked then you can enter any name and contact details.

If you tick the box marked Show on web class list your Event will show and will be able to be registered for in your web class list on your website and on your class calendar. It appears in its own section entitled Events above the list of classes.

Collecting Event Payments Online

If you wish your members to be able to pay for the event from their emailed invite or from an online link or the Portal then check the box Payment Required.

Click the button Add Attendance Price and enter the types of "ticket" prices and their costs. For instance you may be running an event where members pay one price and non-members another. In this case you would create the two different "ticket" prices.

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In the Description field give a name to your ticket which will enable your participants to decide if it applies to them eg Member plus Partner ticket.

In the Amount field enter the cost of that ticket and in the Number of People field indicate how many people does the ticket admit. For example for the Member plus Partner ticket it would be 2.

If that ticket type is only available to your members then check the box marked Members Only. If you do this then this particular ticket type will only be available for members to select so if you wish to place the event on your organisations website and have non members register then you need to add another ticket type for non-members without that box checked.

If a member registers through the website they will be asked to enter their registered email address. If this address appears in your organisation's database they will be emailed a registration form for them to complete. In this way the system will link the registration with a registered member.

As you create each Ticket Type Save until all ticket types have been created.

Back on the main form, in the field Payment Category you can select which of your Financial Categories you wish the payments to be credited to. The default is Events but you may wish to separate your events in which case you need to create an Income category and name it for your event. At the same time you may wish to create a Parent Category for the event and an Expense category account also. In that way you can record all income and expenses and have the summary and total appear as separate line items on your Profit and Loss Report.

Lastly you need to say something about your event. This is the information your members will see when they receive their invitation. You can add images to this section if you wish. Click Save when you have completed creating the event.

After Creating an Event we strongly suggest you email the event invitation firstly to yourself to view how it looks and to test that it works as you wish it to. Once satisfied you can email it out to your members by selecting it in the Events List then clicking the Email button in the left Action Menu and selecting or deselecting the members you wish it to go out to.

Registering for an Event

If the event invitation is emailed to a member and the member registers through that email address then their details will already be inserted in the participant details section. Similarly if a member registers through the website or through the Member Portal they will be asked to enter their registered email address and if this matches the details in your database then they will be emailed a registration form which will already include their contact details.

If however the registrant is not a member and access the event via the website then they will be asked to submit their name, email address and phone number and they will be added into your Member List with a Membership Type of Event Attendee. After your participant clicks the Register button they will then be offered the payment page and shown the various payment methods your organisation has in place that are available to non-members only.

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>To view who has registered for your Event select the Event in the Event List and click the Registration List button in the left Action Menu.

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Viewing the Event Registration List

Once the member has registered their interest in attending and provided details of number of guests etc, the event organiser can see a list of attendees by highlighting the event on the Events, Manage Events page and clicking Registration List.

You can select any Registered person and select the Statement link to view the payment status for that registration. You will also see beside each registrant the amount outstanding to that registrant however be aware that amount will also include any current debits or credits that member already has against their name, not just the ones for this event.

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Should you wish to add anyone to the Registration List then you can open the Registration List. Click the Add button and if the person is a member select them from the Members button. If they are a non member complete their details and they will be saved in your database as Event Attendee. An invoice for the amount of the tickets they wish to obtain will be created if your event has the Payment Required box checked and this invoice can be emailed to them to be paid. You will find the invoice in the Money/Invoices list but it will not be emailed automatically as there are occasions where it is not appropriate for an invitee to be charged eg in cases where they are guest of honor.

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Viewing Past Events

Back on the Events List page, if you wish to see Events which have already occurred, click the box Include Past Events at the top of the Events List page. If you wish to Edit an event either click on it in the Events List or select it and then click Edit in the Events List menu.