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Printing Member Lists

Once you have created your Groups you can print out lists of All members, Group Members, Membership types and, if you have Classes enabled, Class or Tutor Lists.
This is very useful committees and for the organisers of groups or classes especially since you can select which data you wish to include out of all the data fields within your database and you can sort your list on any of these fields.

From the Members menu item select Print Member Lists. You can print from either your Active or Inactive member list by selecting the appropriate Status.

You can select which type of list you wish to create - Members (Active, Inactive, Pending or All), Groups, Membership Types or Classes from the Select field and you can then include whichever Fields you wish to see on your list. If you choose a larger number of fields you may need to change the orientation of your print out from the Print Dialog box which will appear after you click the printer icon in the header. You can sort on any of these fields in the Sort by field.

You can choose then to either Export to Excel where you can manipulate the selected data further or Print to print the list as selected.

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