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Adding a Membership Group

Groups of members within your organisation are useful as it enables you to not just print out lists of the various groups eg Committee, Key Holders etc but it enables a means for you to easily communicate with members within that Group.

Once you have Created Groups and Added Members to Groups you can Print Lists (See the Print Lists help file)

Any Groups you create will be shown in the Member Record on the 4th tab. If there are more than 10 groups then a Search field will allow you to search for the name of the Group.

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Creating Groups

Select Members, Manage Members, Manage Groups in the left main navigation menu. Click Add to create a new Group>.

Give your new Group a Name and if required a Description. You can also create and record the Role of various people within the Group. The system creates an initial default role of Coordinator but this can be changed if desired.

Groups are by default created with a status of Active but this can be unchecked if you no longer wish to use the Group. For example there is a new Committee for the new year formed but you wish to retain information as to who was on a previous year's Committee. In this case simply preface the name of the Committee with the year and then uncheck the Active box when the new Committee is formed.

Check the box Show on Reminders and Online Applications if you want your members to be able to choose to belong in or join this Group when they renew their membership or join on using the Online Membership Form. This will only work if the Group has the Active box checked.

If you run classes then you will see a check box called Allow Online Enrolment. This is for groups who are allowed to enrol in classes prior to the classes being available for members not within that group. The enrolment will only be possible via the Member Portal. It is used primarily in situations where organisation's volunteers are given early enrolment access to ensure they get into the classes they wish. Other enrolment restrictions which may be set (eg number of classes, number of classes in a subject still remain).

When you have created the new Group click the Save button.

You can then add members to your Groups

Adding Members to Groups

Before you can add members to Groups you have to create your Groups as described above.

You can make a member part of a Group in two ways.

Add the Group Membership to an individual Member Record

Access the member's record and go to the tab marked Groups and check the box which shows the name of the Group you wish to add your member to.
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Add the Group Membership to a number of Member Records

Access Members, Manage Groups and highlight the Group you wish to add members to and select Add or Remove Members from the action menu.
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