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Sending Emails

Member Wizard allows you to email your membership as a whole, individually, by membership type or in whatever groups you wish to create.

Emailing an Individual Member

To email an individual member, open the member record from Members List, select the member and click the Email Member button in the left Action menu

Emailing a number of members

To email more than one member, access the Email Members function under Communication in the main navigation.

If you wish to email All members click NEXT - you will be able to select individual members on the following screen.

To email a Membership Type or Group of members

If you wish to select a Membership Type/s or Group click the Filter field and you can multi-select which ever groups, membership types, classes or tutors you choose. The system automatically defaults to only Active members however you can change this by selecting either Inactive or Both from the Membership Status drop down.

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On the following screen you can deselect any members from your list that you do not want included in receiving the email. To remove all members from the send list, click the green Select Recipients box. When you are ready click Next to enter the email body.

Gui snip On this screen you can enter your email Subject and write your actual email. Note that you will not be able to Send the email unless you have entered a Subject in the relevant field. The email entry screen has a number of editing and formatting tools including inserting an image or linking to external web sites etc. The icons used to represent these features are standard across most software applications so will not be described here in any detail.

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Adding Attachments

Your email can include attachments which you must first upload to the system. Once uploaded you can reattach them to future emails without re-uploading them each time. .

To add an attachment click the Add Attachment button to the bottom left of the email body screen

Gui snip.

1. Click the Load File green button and find the attachment you wish to send on your computer. Select the file and click the Open button at the bottom of the file window.

2. The file will load into the system and will already be selected ready to attach. You can add further attachments as required however each file must be no larger than 1mb and the total of all attachments must be no greater than 7mb.

3. When you have uploaded all files, click the Return to Message button to the bottom right of the screen.

4. You will be returned to your email message and the name/s of your attachment/s will appear above your message.

The final step occurs once you click Send at the bottom right of the screen. After all emails have been sent the system will return a message to you advising you of the total number of emails sent.

You can view all emails sent by accessing the Communications Sent function under Communication in the main navigation.

Adding a Template to an Email

You can add a previously created Email Template to an email by clicking the Add Template button and selecting the template you wish to insert.

The process to create and add Templates to an email is covered in detail in the Help File associated with Templates under Communications/Templates.