Creating a Bank Transfer
Click Add in the Bank Transfer menu and enter the relevant details then click Save. When you come to reconcile your bank accounts the transfers will show up ready to be included in the reconciliation.
For automated transfers between Stripe (the Credit / Debit Card processing facility) and your bank account (money paid by members who pay by Stripe with their Credit / Debit Card) the money paid is automatically transferred after about 2 days into your Bank Account and you do not need to create a Bank Transfer as Member Wizard does this automatically.
Managing Petty Cash
If you run a petty cash system then you need to treat it just as you would any bank. To add money to Petty Cash you do not create an expense on your transaction bank account you simply do a Bank Transfer from your transaction account to your petty cash account. This will be balanced against the withdrawal from your transaction account when you do your Bank Reconciliation.