January 13 to 20, 2025 - Member Wizard Update
This week was difficult with a lot of development going on which is not ready to go into production just yet so while it may look as if we haven't done much we've actually been flat out on getting U3A Online up and running and integrating it with Member Wizard.
1. Email Pay Owing now includes Pending members as well as Active members. These were previously not included.
2. We've made a couple of additions to the available fonts and line spacings available in our new Text editor, Froala.
3. You can now dictate the height and length of web template buttons.
4. It is now possible to include HTML resources as well as PDF's and images.
5. Online courses are now an option for Classes.
6. We've added Class Admin to the descriptor of Convenor in Classes so it now reads Convenor/Class Admin on labels.