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Creating Custom Fields

Member Wizard has two categories of data which it can store for your members - Standard and Custom.

Standard Fields are those such as First name, Last name, Email address, Phone and others which are common to all organisations

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Custom Fields are those particular to Your Organisation. These can consist of anything your organisation chooses to retain data on. The Custom Field data on any member can be viewed by clicking on the member's name in the Member List then selecting the Custom Field tab at the top of the member's details.

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To create a Custom Field click on Settings/Custom Field and then select Add from the form menu. Add the details of the field you wish to add and select the Type of field it is. There are 3 types of Fields Text, Date or True/False. Select the appropriate type then ensure the Active box is checked. If you no longer wish to display a custom field you can uncheck this box and it will no longer appear.

If you want to move your fields from one tab to another (say from Contact to Organisation) you can do so using the Settings/Member Form Layout by simply selecting the field and dragging it to the new location. Remember however to click Save at the bottom right of the page to lock in the new field location.

If you wish to Delete a Custom Field you firstly have to remove any data which is stored within it. You can locate this data by highlighting the Custom Field in Setting/Custom Fields then clicking the Show Values button in the left hand menu. After you have deleted all data you will be able to highlight the field and click Delete.

If you check the box which says Allow member to Edit then the custom field will appear on the online membership application form. Once you check this box you will be asked if you want the field made mandatory for a member to join online.