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How to change a Member Number when the field is "greyed" out

Scenario 1

A member who was inactive at the time your organisation joined Member Wizard and was not imported into your database at the time comes back on board and you want them to have the same member number as last time but you have asked Member Wizard to maintain your member numbers and as a result the field containing the member number is greyed out so it can't be changed on the member record.

Scenario 2 

You find that a member number is missing or duplicated because that is how it was first imported into the system but you have asked Member Wizard to maintain your member numbers and as a result the field containing the member number is greyed out so it can't be changed on the member record.

What do you do in these sorts of situations?

Step 1: (you need access to the Settings menu to do this). Go to Settings/Organisation Details and click on the Members tab and uncheck the box called Increment Member Number.  Then click SAVE on the form.

Step 2: Go to the member's record and click on the Organisation tab (or wherever you store the member number). You will notice that you can now edit the number and replace it if necessary. Enter the number you wish them to have and click SAVE on the member's record.

Step 3: Return to Step 1 and reverse your previous actions. 

Your member will now have the number you wish them to have and member numbers will continue to increment from the highest stored number in the system.

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Date added:
21/06/2024 11:00:39
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