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Creating a Newsletter Template

To create a Newsletter firstly create a template containing the standard elements that appear on all your newsletters such as the banner, details about location and committee etc. Use a table and create cells for each of the usual articles your newsletter normally contains 

You can create a template for your newsletters which can be easily inserted into the body of an email or printed to PDF and  saved into the Documents folder for access through the Member Portal or the Member Wizard website template. Should you wish the Newsletters to be visible to members via the Portal or the web template remember to mark them as Public when you import them to Documents.

We suggest you place your banner, dates, sections etc into a table layout in Templates and then simply select your newsletter template and fill in details for each newsletter - a simple sample appears below. Once you have created and saved your newsletter template you can insert this template in the Newsletter content, fill out the details and save it using the date so it is easy to find afterwards.

Newsletters can be copied in PDF format to a folder Documents for marking as Public for use in Member Portal and Website.

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11/06/2024 13:02:32
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