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Creating Subjects

The purpose of subjects is to group together classes into areas of study. These subject areas are displayed on the Web Class List and act as a filter for members to find a class in the subject area of their choice.

There is also a field called Categories. These categories are used by U3A Australia Ltd to group together Subjects into Subject Categories for the purpose of high level information gathering on the sorts of areas of study of most interest to U3A members across Australia. The data they obtain from this is not detailed - they can not for instance access member names - only total numbers are required. This information is also used by them to obtain and bid for grants and sponsorships of benefit to the whole organisation. These Categories can not be edited, added to or amended. When creating your subject area you are required to nominate the broad Subject Category into which their classes fall.

If you have checked the field Implement Enrolment Period and filled in the date range in Settings/Organisation Details on the Classes tab, there will also be provision on this screen to limit the number of classes a member can attend during the period nominated. In this way it offers all members a fairer opportunity to enroll in popular classes rather than a handful of members booking out every class in that subject category to the exclusion of others. The limitation only operates for the nominated Enrolment Period. This means that if after all have had an opportunity to enroll there are still places in the class then they can be opened up again and all limitations removed. Members are welcome to register to the wait list if they have exceeded their quota in that subject area during the Enrolment Period. A further limitation of total classes a member is permitted to enroll in can also be set in Settings/Organisation Details on the Classes tab.

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12/09/2024 11:22:28
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