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How to move a student to another class


If you wish to move a student from one class to another do NOT adjust their existing invoices or receipts

This process will manage it for you. It will:

  1. Move the student from the old class
  2. Place them in the new class over riding any space restrictions
  3. Allow you to apply a credit adjustment to the student's old class fee
  4. Create an invoice for the new class if necessary
  5. Allow you to email the student a request for payment if required


  1. Open the Classes List and highlight the class the student wishes to move from.
  2. Select Enrolled Students
  3. Select the student's name in the list and click the Move student to another class item in the action menu
  4. Click the Statement button to view the student's statement. This will help you decide how much Credit to give the student for the old class
  5. Enter the amount you wish to credit from the old class to the new class. Enter 0 if you do not with to transfer any credit
  6. Select the student's New Class. You may be asked to choose how the student will pay for the new class.
  7. If this process results in the student owing money to you, a checkbox will be available to Email Invoice
  8. Click the Save button
  9. Then go to Classes/Prepaid enrolments and add an entry for the student, class and the period that the student has now paid for. This will add the Invoiced to information into the new class.
  10. Click Save.

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Date added:
10/06/2024 14:54:45
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