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How to move a student to another class


If you wish to move a student from one class to another do NOT adjust their existing invoices or receipts

This process will manage it for you. It will:

  1. Move the student from the old class
  2. Place them in the new class
  3. Change details on the invoices and receipts - credit payments to new class's account category and add a note to say there has been a class movement
  4. Email both Tutors/convenors/co-ordinators about the move


  1. Open the Classes List and highlight the class the student wishes to move from.
  2. Select Enrolled Students
  3. Select the student's name in the list and click the Move student to another class item in the action menu
  4. Select the student's New Class. 
  5. If this process results in the student owing money to you, or requiring a refund you will need to create either a negative invoice (to give the student credit), a negaitve receipt to give the student a refund or an invoice for payjment.
  6. Click Save.

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Date added:
10/06/2024 14:54:45
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